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CTIEC Signed Various Algeria EPC Contracts

Source: CTIEC

Date: Nov 3, 2016

Contract signing ceremony for various projects including line 2 of STG cement project and float glass producing line between CTIEC and STG Corporation and ceramic project between Beijing Triumph Group and Algeria National Industry Corporation was being held at the well-lit and fully-seated parliament hall of Adrar.

Under the witness of more than two hundred people incorporating minister of Ministry of Industry and Mining, Mr. BOUCHOUAREB ABDESSLAME, Adrar governor LIMANIMUSTAPHA, vice chairman of Algeria National Assembly ALI EL HAMEL, government officials, personnel from various aspects of society and journalists, vice president of CTIEC, Mr. Ma Mingliang, general manager of Adrar STG Corporation Mr. MOKHIFI, general manager of DIVINDUS Mr. MANA and shareholder representative Mr. LINDA signed on relevant cooperation agreements.

Adrar province lies in Sahara desert, the south part of Algeria. Its industry foundation is weak and economy is lagged behind. After the signing ceremony, minister of Ministry of Industry and Mining, Mr. BOUCHOUAREB ABDESSLAME, Adrar governor LIMANIMUSTAPHA made their own speeches in which they pointed out that Algeria government is highly concerned with the economy development of the country’s southern part and will give policy incentives and economic support to the southern part. Line 2 of STG project was carried out on the basis of line 1. At the time of speech, line 1 was in its final installation stage and will be put into operation in the beginning of 2017. After the completion of the project, cement supply shortage will be greatly alleviated. Cement of line 1 can also be exported to neighboring countries to promote local economy development.

Float glass project between DIVINDUS and CTIEC is situated in a southern city of Algeria. After many technical reviews, the two parties agree that china’s advanced float glass and ceramic producing technique and equipment will be used in the project so as to massively produce high quality float glass and ceramic products which can meet international standards.

Algeria is one the west end of “one belt, one road” strategy. In recent years, CTIEC has actively responded to Chinese government’s call for “one belt, one road” strategy and international cooperation on capacity to tap into Algeria’s building material engineering market. Apart from line 1of Adrar cement factory, the signing of contracts on various projects is another fruitful result that CTIEC yields in the sector of building material and capacity cooperation in a country along “one belt, one road”.

